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May 21, 2010, 8:36 AM
Colorful text

but the image above is done by me so that the background is transparent (but in the image i put inner bevel effect which only looks nice on light backgrounds so ignore that). so bla bla bla you know what is the advantages of a transparent background are right? so yeah it's really simple.
1. Open your photoshop.
2. Under file, click new - blank file with transparent background. (background content : transparent)
3. You know the T button to write text right? right click that, and choose "Horizontal type mask tool" like this:
4. click the layer, and type something.
5. you can see the outline of the text, the selection line.
6. Right click the paint bucket tool and choose the gradient tool.
7. Just apply it by clicking and dragging it. Once you're satisfied with it, just press ctrl+d and you can see the results clearly.
8. All you have to do now is save it in png format. (save as - PNG). voila! you're done :D
(ctrl+c) = to copy.


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