Welcome. I post blogskins and sometimes tutorials onto this blog for free under certain terms and conditions of which you should take note of.

I don't do requests unless you are willing to pay and wait for it.
May 28, 2012, 6:53 AM
Terms and Conditions

Do take note
1. You are not allowed to redistribute my work without my permission.
2. You can alter or convert my blogskins into tumblr layouts or such, but the credentials should remain.
3. Do not remove or edit the credentials.
4. Do credit me for any references or inspirations.
5. You may use any part of my codes or use them as base codes as long as my credits remain intact.
6. If the skins include images, please upload them to your own server (ie photobucket) so it wont exceed my bandwidth.
Other info
1. Those without live preview has only the download option where you actually have to copy, paste and save the codes manually.
2. The blog designs are for blogger users (classic template) only. If you are using the new version of blogger, please revert to classic template before pasting the codes or else the designs cannot be used. (Google on how to revert to classic template in blogger)
3. Most of the skins are not compatible with Internet Explorer. It'll be fine in other browsers even for your phone's browser. Get chrome here!. I recommend it :)


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