Welcome. I post blogskins and sometimes tutorials onto this blog for free under certain terms and conditions of which you should take note of.

I don't do requests unless you are willing to pay and wait for it.
Jun 24, 2010, 6:52 PM
Aboslute / Fixed divine tag

The code above will make your content attach on the top right hand side of your blog/website/etc.
If you want to place it on the bottom, simply replace "top" with "bottom" (without the quotes sign). To place it on the left, remove the "right:0px;" code.

If you change "absolute" to "fixed", whatever that you put in the div tag will be on top of the page even after scrolling

the code "top:0px;" simply defines the length in pixels from the top, so if you change it to "10px" your content would be 10px from the top. same goes for the "right", "left", & "bottom" (right - length of pixels from the right etc.)


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