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Nov 26, 2010, 8:57 PM
Image text

tut on how to do image text. requested by Karise :) I use Adobe photoshop CS4 for this. i guess any Adobe PS CS and above can use this method.

1. Open your base image (the image you wanna use as the text's background)
2. On the left tools bar, search for the "T" button and right-click it. Hence, click Horizontal/vertical type mask tool
3. Click anywhere on the base image and type the text you wanna use.
4. When you're done with the text, you can move it around by dragging it. & when you're satisfied, click any layer under the layers tab at bottom right
5. Now all you have to do is click ctrl+c or ctrl+x or you can do it manually by clicking copy/cut under the edit tab at the top menu bar.
6. Click ctrl+n or new under file tab at the top menu bar. the height and width has automatically been set up to fit the text's width and height. Change the background to transparent.
7. On the new empty image, click ctrl+v or manually paste it.
8. Save it in PNG format & you're done :D

Credits : base image used above : here
Hope this helps :)


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